[rabbitmq-discuss] Memory grows very fast

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Wed May 15 14:58:27 BST 2013

On 15/05/13 14:49, rabbit666 wrote:
> last rabbitmq status before the machine hang up included.
> [...]
>   {memory,[{total,34566105872},

right, so that's 34GB, which is indeed a lot.

As suggested previously please run the MulticastMain program that ships 
with the Java client:

$ runjava.sh com.rabbitmq.examples.MulticastMain -q 1 -n 2 -s 609 -C 600000

This replicates your test, namely publishing 600,000 messages of 609 bytes.

If you see excessive memory use with that then something weird is going 
on with rabbit. If not then your own tests are doing something different.



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