[rabbitmq-discuss] Queues no longer expire in RabbitMq 3.1.0

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Fri May 10 10:55:00 BST 2013

The precise conditions for causing this bug are slightly fiddly to 
explain (it's timing-dependent); but we believe it fixed in last night's 
nightly build - you might want to give that a try:


Cheers, Simon

On 10/05/13 10:49, MoonStorm wrote:
> Nah, there is more there than meets the eye. I've got durable expirable
> queues, holding several messages, that don't want to go away. There is
> definitely something screwy there.
> On Thursday, May 9, 2013 10:46:07 AM UTC+1, MoonStorm wrote:
>     Here is a bit more info on the subject. Ran some tests and
>     apparently the queues seem to expire if they've been declared as
>     durable after all the consumers dropped. Apart from my initial
>     report, the setting is also ignored if they've been declared as
>     auto-delete, which sort of makes sense (in this case they get
>     deleted immediately).
>     Either way, the admin interface reports the setting as active, and
>     this is a bug when the setting is actually being ignored. Besides,
>     could we have a bit of validation for the settings please? Ignoring
>     them when used in an unsupported context is simply wrong.
>     On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 12:24:08 PM UTC+1, MoonStorm wrote:
>         Declaring a queue with "x-expires" set to a valid value has no
>         effect after the consumers disconnect. The admin interface
>         reports the queue being idle with no consumers present.
>         They used to expire in earlier versions. Are there additional
>         requirements now to achieve the same behavior?
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Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, Pivotal

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