[rabbitmq-discuss] Strange reaction to publishing message with invalid expiration.

James Gardner james.gardner at noaa.gov
Tue Mar 12 17:48:42 GMT 2013

Ok thanks, good to know. If that's how AMQP handles errors, that part's 
fine, and I'm used to PHP extensions not dealing with things correctly 
:), but I don't appear to be getting an exception when my Java code reaches:
channel.basicPublish("e.test", "", props, "Hi!!!".getBytes());
That statement, along with everything else (including the call to 
consume, which *does* throw an exception just fine) is inside a try 
{...} catch (Exception e) {...} .
If you say I should be getting an exception, then I cannot explain why I 
am not.
Here, I'll just include the code. All of this is just inside a main 
function in a Test class (I took out the consume part):

try {
             ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
             Connection conn = factory.newConnection();

             Channel channel = conn.createChannel();

             BasicProperties props = new BasicProperties

             channel.basicPublish("e.test", "", props, "Hi!!!".getBytes());

         catch (Exception e) {
             System.out.println("Threw exception: ");

My Java is a little rusty so forgive me if I am missing something. Am I 
supposed to get an IOException if the publish fails due to the bad 
header, or only if the channel had been closed before I do the publish 
or if I tried to use the channel again after the bad publish?

- James

On 03/12/2013 11:12 AM, Simon MacMullen wrote:
> Well, the channel is getting closed with an error message (same as it 
> would be for an illegal user_id in fact). That's AMQP's approach to 
> error handling.
> You should be able to see an IOException getting thrown in the Java 
> client, with a more descriptive cause property, or you can register a 
> ShutdownListener. I have no idea how the PHP client signals errors I'm 
> afraid.
> Cheers, Simon
> On 12/03/13 14:49, James Gardner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I found a behavior which, to me at least, acts more like a bug than a
>> feature...
>> It seems that when you publish a message with an invalid expiration
>> string (eg. "blah"), it renders that channel inoperable for consume
>> operations afterwards. I would think it should just discard the message.
>> In the official Java client, something closes the channel, although I
>> don't get any exception until I try to use it for the ensuing consume
>> operation.
>> In the PHP AMQP client (this one:
>> http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.amqp.php), the channel stays open but
>> when you execute $queue->consume(...) and look in the management
>> interface you can see it has not registered as a consumer on the queue
>> of interest.
>> Given the commonalities, I assume these are different client
>> interpretations of the same broker behavior. I am not using transactions
>> or publisher confirms or anything fancy. I am less familiar with the
>> Java client so perhaps I am missing some sort of error handling?
>> RabbitMQ version: RabbitMQ 3.0.3, Erlang R14B04 on RHEL 6.4
>> PHP AMQP version is 1.0.1 (admittedly a little outdated)
>> Java client is version: 3.0.3
>> I can provide code for either client if you would like but I imagine you
>> can replicate it easily just by establishing a connection, then a single
>> channel, then publishing the 'bad' msg to a topic exchange, then trying
>> to consume off a queue bound to that exchange with '#'.
>> When you change expiration to a valid string integer, everything works
>> as you would wish.
>> Of course one answer, as the doctor joke goes, is to not 'move your arm
>> like that'. Which is fine so long as there's a choice, but if I were
>> creating messages and taking the expiration from a source outside my
>> program (eg. database), this error might occur at some point if the data
>> were bad. I could/should(?) sanitize/verify first of course, the point
>> is more that I thought the typical broker reaction to illegal data was
>> to deal with it 'silently' (as it does with an illegal user_id, for
>> example) rather than effectively make the channel unusable.
>> Is there a different way I (or the client code) should be handling this
>> or is this an unexpected broker behavior?
>> Thanks,
>> James Gardner
>> NWS - Internet Dissemination System
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