[rabbitmq-discuss] Question on throughput with RabbitMQ-3.1.1

Priyanki Vashi vashi.priyanki at gmail.com
Tue Jun 25 14:07:40 BST 2013

Hi ,

By mistake I had attached a wrong producer in my previous  zip file so
attaching the correct one now.
Sorry for that but I have so many different files, which I have tried.

So resending the zip files again with correct producer and consumer (I


On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 2:59 PM, Emile Joubert <emile at rabbitmq.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 25/06/13 13:38, Priyanki Vashi wrote:
> > I have very high end server with 20 CPUs and 120 GB of RAM so I think
> > resources wise it's not the bottleneck.
> And what about the network speed? I would still try an independent
> bandwidth test from network to disk to give you a comparison reference.
> The numbers you quoted are about 2 orders of magnitude lower than I
> would expect for that hardware. Bear in mind that the queue process is
> typically the most CPU-intensive process. A queue on a single server can
> occupy at most one CPU, so will benefit more from a faster CPU than from
> many CPUs.
> > Did u and Tim received my scripts ?
> Not yet, but hopefully someone who knows more about the Pika client than
> me will be able to comment.
> > I learnt that basic_consume is better choice than basic_get since server
> > will directly send messages to listening consumer without consumer
> > polling it.
> Yes, and the asynchronous choice is typically faster.
> If you are still stuck with very low throughput then I would recommend
> you try the MulticastMain utility, included in the RabbitMQ Java client.
> It includes support for many of the options that you want to compare,
> -Emile
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