[rabbitmq-discuss] Mirrored queues behind a load balancer

Tim Watson watson.timothy at gmail.com
Mon Jun 17 09:18:52 BST 2013

On 17 Jun 2013, at 05:24, Jason McIntosh <mcintoshj at gmail.com> wrote:

> Queues exist (definition wise) on all nodes in a cluster.  Messages only existing unless the queue is mirrored on a single node.  
> One reason you'd NOT have queues have their messages automatically replicated to other nodes is scaling.  If you had a cluster of 10 machines, and all the machines mirrored, then your message would have to hit all 10 nodes before being acknowledged

And to clarify, another reason why we have a consistent view of schema (I.e., definitions) is so that clients can connect to *any* node to interact with the queue.

> Rabbit is also a Master-slave write system.
> Only ONE node in a cluster is the "master".  

Correction: rabbit HA is a master/slave system. Rabbit clustering is not and all nodes are considered equal.

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