[rabbitmq-discuss] Getting High Memory Watermark Status

Brett Cameron brett.r.cameron at gmail.com
Fri Jun 14 08:57:34 BST 2013

Entries written to the RabbitMQ log file are also published to the exchange
"amq.rabbitmq.log". If you create a couple of queues and bind them to this
exchange then you can consume the feed. Note that amq.rabbitmq.log is a
topic exchange, so you can filter out the specific event types that you
want (error, warning, ot info). See
http://videlalvaro.github.io/2010/09/haskell-and-rabbitmq.html for a simple
example in Haskell (but equally as simple with other client languages). I
guess that alarms probably fall into the "warning" category, but don't
quote me on it...


On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 9:46 AM, Umutcan <umutcan at gamegos.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to find a way to get high memory watermak alarm status via
> rabbitmqctl or another tool. I couldn't find it in the documents.
> How can I get status of any alarm (socket descriptors, diskspace, memory
> etc.)?
> Thanks,
> Umutcan.
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