[rabbitmq-discuss] High binary memory usage?

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Thu Jul 18 22:51:21 BST 2013

On 18/07/13 21:42, Kapil Goyal wrote:
> Our RabbitMQ server has now been running for 2-3 days and this morning
> we noticed it has gone above the high memory watermark of 1.6 GB. I ran
> ‘rabbitmqctl status’ to understand the memory usage, as there were no
> messages queued. [...]
> So, these two turn out to be the culprits:
> {connection_procs,463497352},
> {binary,1165034312}
> Now, connections_procs is somewhat understandable, because there are a
> high number of connections. But, I cannot understand why the binary
> memory usage is so high. Can you please explain? How to keep this in check?

Upgrade. There have been numerous bug fixes since then, including for 
several memory leaks.


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