[rabbitmq-discuss] another performance question

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Wed Jul 17 22:49:22 BST 2013


On 17/07/13 22:37, Geib, Mark wrote:
> So I assume that we can only expect to achieve about the 50kHz number
> with no consumers, or bindings then.

You are only using two cores at that point though, and no hipe 
compilation. Add a "-x <n>" parameter to MulticastMain to increase the 
number of producers, which should end up utilising more cores. And see 
the hipe_compile rabbitmq.config entry 
(https://www.rabbitmq.com/configure.html#config-items) for enabling hipe.

I can get 90kHz (for 10000 byte messages) w/o hipe on my machine that 
way, and 100kHz with hipe. And that's with MulticastMain occupying 3 of 
the 8 cores, so when running that on a separate machine I'd probably see 


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