[rabbitmq-discuss] Detecting mnesia network partitions in 2.8.6

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Mon Jan 28 22:15:08 GMT 2013

On 28/01/2013 10:02PM, Travis wrote:
> 1) is this partitions output a feature of a newer version of RabbitMQ?
>   Which version?

Yes, 3.0.0.

> 2) Is there a reliable way of detecting a partitioned mnesia database in
> 2.8.6 that doesn't rely upon tailing the log file and looking for
> something like:
>    Mnesia('rabbit at aus-rmq4'): ** ERROR ** mnesia_event got
> {inconsistent_database, starting_partitioned_network, 'rabbit at aus-rmq3'}

No, that's all you have in 2.x I'm afraid.

Cheers, Simon

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