[rabbitmq-discuss] Pattern - exclude

Emile Joubert emile at rabbitmq.com
Wed Feb 20 11:44:01 GMT 2013


On 20/02/13 10:49, Emile Joubert wrote:
> The wildcard characters * and # only match on whole words, so a pattern
> like publish.A# is not valid. You can get around this restriction
Matthias has just pointed out that the problem can also be solved using
alternative exchanges and exchange-to-exchange bindings. If you chain
together three topic exchanges amq.topic, X and Y, and you set up an
alternate exchange on X in the way described here:

exchange amq.topic
(bind A.#)
exchange X  - (alternate exchange) Z - queue Q
(bind #.B)
exchange Y

then messages matching your criteria (matches A.# but not #.B) published
to amq.topic will end up in queue Q.


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