[rabbitmq-discuss] Consumer Clients as Tomcat Web Applications and Work Queue Configuration

Steve Powell steve at rabbitmq.com
Mon Feb 18 16:25:11 GMT 2013

I'm glad you managed to 'solve' your problem.

The acknowledgement (ACK) is to tell the RabbitMQ Server that the client is
willing to take responsibility for the message: RabbitMQ will not deliver this
message to anyone again.  If the channel closes/stops/dissappears and a
message sent to it hasn't been acknowledged, or if a message is rejected (with
requeue)  (NACKed with requeue), then RabbitMQ will attempt to deliver the
message again.  That may or may not be to the same consumer, channel or
client.  The prefetch count is a way of limiting the number of messages
RabbitMQ Server will allow unACKed (and unNACKed) on a channel.

Let's say you have one consumer on one channel on each client, and you have
two clients, A and B. Let's also say that A and B have prefetch count set to 2. 
We'll assume that A and B are served in that order by the RabbitMQ server.

If 5 messages arrive on the queue (m1..5) then the messages will arrive on the
QueueingConsumer client queues on A and B as follows:

A:  [m1, m3]
B:  [m2, m4]
and message m5 will stay in the server.

I presume both A and B will see a message and remove it from the
QueueingConsumer queue:

A:  [m3]  (processing m1)
B:  [m4]  (processing m2)

When the first message is processed successfully (either m1 on A, or m2 on B)
and the client sends ACK back to the server, then message m5 can be sent to
the client who ACKed first, let's say it is B:

A:  [m3]  (processing m1)
B:  [m4, m5]   (not processing a message)

But note that B might have already started processing m4 by this time (it
more probably would have, since the message m4 is already in the client),
so it would soon (or already) look like this:

A:  [m3]  (processing m1)
B:  [m5]  (processing m4)

As messages arrive on the queue in the server, they are sent to either A or B
as they successfully (or otherwise) finish processing the previous messages.

Let's say that B finishes first again (ACKnowledging m4), but that  no more
messages arrive on the queue before then.  We then get into this situation:

A:  [m3]  (processing m1)
B:  []  (processing m5)

B has an empty queue.

If B again finishes first (a fast and efficient machine, or a lightweight
message m5?) we could see this situation:

A:  [m3]  (processing m1)
B:  []  (idle, waiting on internal queue)

A might take a very long time to process message m1, and m3 has to wait until
A has finished (or aborts) before it will be processed, even though B is
unoccupied and available.

The effects of the prefetch count >1 are therefore three-fold:

1) The internal client queues never hold more than prefetch-count messages,
   all excess messages 'back-up' in the server.

2) Some messages can get 'caught' behind a message that takes a long time to
   process: waiting indefinitely, even though there may be servers ready and
   waiting to process them.

3) Messages can be sent to a client while it is processing the previous
   message, so the network transfer time can overlap processing time, reducing
   the time spent idle in the client when there are messages to process.

Notice that there is a (potential) price to pay for the benefit in item 3.  If
you reduce the time spent waiting for network transfer time while idle, you
run the risk of processing some messages very late indeed.

As soon as you have multiple clients listening to the same queue you cannot
guarantee the order of processing of messages, whatever you set the prefetch
counts to.

You should be able to see what happens (can happen) with more clients, or with
a larger (or unlimited) prefetch count.

Whether you wish to use a setting like this very much depends upon how large
the network latency is, what the risk of message failures are, and what the
rate of message arrival might be (it will doubtless vary in any case).

A prefetch count of 2 and a variable number of clients works reasonably well:

- when order of message processing is not critical;
- when message processing is relatively reliable, and not too variable; and
- when the network transfer time is not too large per message (e.g. messages are
  reasonably small).

Outside of these parameters I recommend you run some careful tests.

In fact, let me recommend you run some careful performance and stress tests in
any case.  It is notoriously difficult to predict where the bottlenecks will
be in any particular configuration.  These bottlenecks will move depending
upon load, and sometimes when the load changes (up or down).

It may be, with low to medium message rates, that all this fuss makes no
difference over a prefetch count of 1.  You should check this before investing
in complex (and potentially buggy) code. You should also ensure that you
really need many processing clients and that you fully understand the
interactions between the processing that these clients undertake -- it
is possible that there are mutual blocks or other serialisation effects
that will have an impact upon the service rates (or even success) 
of your clients.

I hope I have begun to answer your question.  Good luck.
Steve Powell
[M: +44-7815-838-558; H:+44-1962-775-598]
Links: SpringSource (a division of VMware), Virgo, RabbitMQ.
Good design:
   is innovative, useful, aesthetic;
   is understandable, unobtrusive, honest;
   is long-lasting, thorough, environmentally friendly;
   and is as little design as possible.
Copyright Dieter Rams, amended March 2003; October 2009; and August 2012

On 12 Feb 2013, at 19:28, Kevin Behr <behrk2 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Regarding your statement above, I had not taken that into consideration.  I've coded my clients to  only acknowledge upon successful processing of the delivered message.  If one of our many web services or datastore connections goes down, then unacknowledged messages will start piling up quickly, and the messaging and queuing pipeline will essentially come to a halt. I would expect this to be the correct behavior, however, as I don't want to throw out messages until someone discovers that a service is down.
> As I will be using QueuingConsumer, I'm now wondering how I should determine what to set my prefetch counts to.  Do you have any further advice on this?  I'm still a little confused there.

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