[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ blocking issue

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Wed Feb 13 21:41:34 GMT 2013


On 13/02/13 21:27, Konar Peter (Nokia-LC/Chicago) wrote:
> Happened again
> Netstat client
> [pkonar at ajtrafp057 ~]$ netstat -an | grep 5672
> tcp        0 189824 ::ffff:  ::ffff:    ESTABLISHED
> netstat server
> [pkonar at ajtrafp063 ~]$ netstat -an | grep 182
> tcp   574331      0 ::ffff:    ::ffff:  ESTABLISHED

That connection does indeed have a non-empty Send-Q at the server end 
and is evidently not being read from.

Curiously, the 'rabbitmqctl report' shows no entry for that connection. 
There is one for a source ip/port of (which, 
conversely, does not show up in netstat), but not :49191.

In which order did you run the netstat and 'rabbitmqctl report' 
commands, and what time gap was there between them?

Also, please check the rabbit.log for entries relating to the connection 
from port and post them here.



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