[rabbitmq-discuss] Typos on rabbitmq.com tutorials for PHP

Alex McRoberts black.horizons at gmail.com
Tue Dec 10 19:01:18 GMT 2013

Hey Guys,

I've been reading the tutorials on using PHP with RabbitMQ. I think I've 
found a couple of typo's and I'd just like to clear them up with you.

The issues I've seen are on:


1) "Message acknowledgments are turned on off" - I guess this should be 
"Message acknowledgments are turned on and off".
2) "It's time to turn them on by setting the second flag to basic_consume 
to false" - reading the method at 
https://github.com/videlalvaro/php-amqplib/blob/461961f962ab70c63adfb78215fb66123605da7e/PhpAmqpLib/Channel/AMQPChannel.php#L658 it 
seems that it's actually the fourth flag that needs set to false.

If anybody could clear these up that would be great 
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