[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ consumer rebind in .net

Emile Joubert emile at rabbitmq.com
Thu Aug 29 10:52:59 BST 2013

On 29/08/13 10:39, Arindam wrote:

> i will share my code.

If you share code please try to pare it down to the smallest possible
self-contained program that demonstrates the problem.

> i will show you a screencast
I'm not sure that's necessary. It would be more useful to know whether
the broker logged anything when the "SharedQueue closed" error appeared,
and to get the full text of any log entries at that time, from both the
regular and sasl logs.

You have not said whether turning on heartbeats helped, or whether
running as an application rather than a service made any difference, or
whether "rabbitmqctl report" from the time of the error yielded useful


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