[rabbitmq-discuss] Channel hangs after mirrored queue is promoted to master

Adam Miller adam at milrr.com
Mon Aug 19 21:47:59 BST 2013

I'm running rabbit 3.1.5 server on Windows Server 2008 in a 2 node cluster. 
 I'm seeing issues where my .net client (using 3.1.5 of official .Net 
rabbitMQ client) is unable to continue consuming from a queue when its 
consuming from a mirror that has been promoted to a master.  I'm handling 
the Consumer.Canceled event, if I try to do a BasicConsume on the channel, 
(or interact with the connection), the code hangs for about 10-15 minutes 
until the server terminates the connection.  If I do nothing then messages 
won't be consumed.  My queue policy is ha-all, and my consuming application 
is connected to rabbitMQ on the same machine (amqp://localhost).  To 
recreate the scenario I just have to restart the RabbitMQ windows service 
on the machine that is currently the master.  How should I correctly handle 
the Consumer Cancellation Notification?
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