[rabbitmq-discuss] rabbitmq server Mnesia backup and restore

Emile Joubert emile at rabbitmq.com
Tue Aug 6 10:15:27 BST 2013


On 06/08/13 09:46, 3k4b251 wrote:
> how to  backup and  restore   messages  queues  exchanges  on  node?

If you  just want to  backup the  broker config  then  do that by
saving  and loading  the definitions  using the  management plugin:

If you  want to backup the messages as  well  then you should  stop  the
broker and  save the Mnesia  database directory.  Only durable
resources can  be backed up this way,  and only  persistent messages
will survive  when you restore.  Bear in mind  the  impact  on message
TTL  when  messages spend  time  backed up.


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