[rabbitmq-discuss] EXT :Re: Memory not flushing to disk

Rodrian, Logan P (IS) Logan.Rodrian at ngc.com
Tue Apr 23 15:04:52 BST 2013


Attached (text file) is the output from when this happens.  My previous snippets were from when this happens as well, I just didn't include the entire report.

The issue is exactly as you stated--the memory alarm remains set indefinitely while ram_msg_counts remain high.  This causes the publisher to be unable to send anything further to the broker.

Logan Rodrian
Cyber Engineer
Northrop Grumman
w (720) 744-7467
m (303) 748-1649
logan.rodrian at ngc.com

From: Emile Joubert [emile at rabbitmq.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 07:15
To: Discussions about RabbitMQ
Cc: Rodrian, Logan P (IS)
Subject: EXT :Re: [rabbitmq-discuss] Memory not flushing to disk


On 22/04/13 17:38, Rodrian, Logan P (IS) wrote:
> It appears that at some point the flushing stops and then once the
> vm_memory_high_watermark is hit, I get a message informing me.

I assume you get a memory alarm message. This will clear as soon as the
broker has cleared enough RAM by flushing messages to disk. It will not
necessary save messages from queue E.

> My question is two-fold:
>   1) Has this been seen before/is there a solution already out there?

In the backing_queue_status queue E won't try to reduce memory use,
because of the {target_ram_count, infinity} entry.

>   2) Is there a configuration parameter that tells rabbitmq to write
> messages immediately to disk instead of buffering to memory first?

No, it is not possible send messages from the network to disk without
going via memory, and it is impossible for the broker to deliver
messages from disk without going through memory.

If you are able to get the broker in a state that the memory alarm
remains set indefinitely while ram_msg_counts remain high then please
send us the output of "rabbitmqctl report" at the time when that happens.


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