[rabbitmq-discuss] Disabling connection logs

Frédéric Cons frederic.cons at gmail.com
Mon Apr 15 14:53:04 BST 2013

Hi everyone

I have a cluster of two rabbitmq instances behind a haproxy server.
The connection tests made by haproxy generate a high volume of connection / 
disconnection logs such as : 

 =INFO REPORT==== 15-Apr-2013::00:08:05 ===
accepting AMQP connection <0.9464.45> ( ->

=WARNING REPORT==== 15-Apr-2013::00:08:05 ===
closing AMQP connection <0.9464.45> ( ->

Not a big deal, but quite noisy
I changed by rabbitmq.config file to try to ignore these logs with : 

{log_levels, [{connection, error}]}
<other configuration items>

But these messages keep flowing in the logs
Any idea of what I could to to prevent this ? 

Best regards

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