[rabbitmq-discuss] consumer cancel notify support in pika

Peter Friend pfriend at gehrytech.com
Wed Oct 31 23:06:43 GMT 2012

 1. exchange_declare() type arg is now exchange_type
Gotcha, I had moved way from the auto-assignment of reserved keywords. type, in this case is a reserved word in Python, using it would reassign the type function to the value passed in. While this does break with 0.9.5, it does seem like it's the right behavior. Thoughts?

I had forgotten that type was a builtin, so definitely a good change.
               TypeError: queue_declare() got an unexpected keyword argument 'callback'
Yeah callbacks in BlockingConnection were removed for synchronous commands.
   This is confusing if you are reading the docs for channel, and is a behavior change from 0.9.5.
Fair enough, in the async, I see the callback should be None, but queue should not. Any suggestions for the right behavior here?  I could throw an exception for passing in an empty queue name.

This tripped me up because lots of example code for RPC (including RabbitMQ In Action) uses the shortened form, and it takes some digging to realize that you need to look at the documentation for queue_declare in BlockingConnection, not channel. Might help if the channel docs mention that the methods may be overridden by the connection type in use?


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