[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ + Logstash + Rails

Mark static.void.dev at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 18:05:40 GMT 2012

Anyone out there using RabbitMQ with Logstash and/or Gralyog2? If so, could you please describe your experiences.

General questions about the above technologies. After reading through Logstash it seems the general use case is that there is a Logstash agent sitting on each machine that you want to aggregate logs from. This agent will then tail/read a list of logs and then you can send them off to RabbitMQ via their AMQP output. I see however there is also an AMQP input so instead of having an agent on each machine, why not just send the logs to AMQP and then have a Logstash read from that input? This would remove the need of having an agent on each machine. Are there performance reasons of why not to send everything via AMQP? If one would to do this in Rails (Unicorn server) would it be best to use Bunny or the async AMQP gem? 


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