[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ node faced out of disk space problem under cluster environment

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Thu Oct 25 08:18:14 BST 2012

On 25/10/12 03:22, Wong Kam Hoong wrote:
> You meant the cluster not only stop all publish requests and will
> crash at the end?

Well, if you really *completely run out* of disk space or memory then
yes, whichever node that is happening on will crash. But that's why we
have alarms in place that block publishing across the entire cluster
when disk space or memory are getting low - before rabbit is in danger
of crashing.

> Besides of stop all publishes, how about consumes? Does RabbitMQ stop
> the consumes as well?

No, assuming you follow the advise from http://www.rabbitmq.com/memory.html
other design considerations permitting, it is advisable to only use 
individual AMQP connections for either producing or consuming.


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