[rabbitmq-discuss] Use a mysql databse table as the provider for rabbitmq queue

Tim Watson tim at rabbitmq.com
Wed Oct 17 10:50:35 BST 2012


On 10/17/2012 09:58 AM, Shadowalker wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just stumbled upon rabbitmq and I think it could very well help 
> in a project that I'm currently working on. But there's one thing that 
> I'd like to get some input about though :
> My project consist of one, two or more applications that, though 
> separated, need to keep some of their datas synchronized.
> For example say I have two use cases that could happen at the same time :
> First project has a app A and a app B : when app A insert some 
> specific data in its db i need to get a meesage to appB to do the 
> corresponding action on its own db
> Second project has only app A and when I insert stuff in A's db it 
> shouldn't send anything anywhere.
> In both cases, I'll like to have app A and app B identical : I don't 
> want to have to change app A's code jsut because app B is here.
> So my question is : Is there anyway to plug the raabitmq consumer 
> directly onto a specific table in app A's database so that every time  
> something happens appB can come and consume the data.

Well, I'm not sure I would choose this approach personally, and I'll 
explain why. But as I'm rather attention deficit I'll cut to the chase 
first and say "yes - it is *possible* to do this - but you'll have to 
put in a lot of work to make it happen" and as I said, I certainly 
wouldn't recommend doing it. Now I'll explain why it's a bad idea IMHO 
and then I'll explain how you can do it if you insist on following this 

First of all, you are creating a very tight coupling between the 
application and the database schema, which will be difficult to work 
with if the design changes (which most do) over time. Secondly, you are 
going to be running code *inside the database server* which is fraught 
with danger. Thirdly, it's going to be very difficult to test and/or 
debug when things go wrong. Our industry tends to favour integrating 
systems using messaging technology so much because doing so decouples 
applications from one another, at least to a certain extent.

The deceptively simple alternative to messaging, and it is often 
ineffective and costly to develop and maintain, is to share data using 
files and/or a shared database. Both applications share tables and/or 
schemas and either poll for changes using worker processes (or threads) 
on the one hand, or utilise notification features of the database system 
itself on the other (e,g., Microsoft SQL Server Notification Services). 
But this approach is full of problems, ranging from contention for 
reads/writes on shared tables, to timing issues where both applications 
make very subtle implicit assumptions about the order in which the 
various participants in the system are interacting with the database, 
leading to functional errors.

One reason that messaging based integration has been so successful is 
that it gets us *away* from these problems, and allows applications to 
simplify their model of interaction with the outside world. AMQP in 
particular allows an application developer to think in terms of 
asynchronously publishing events (for consumption elsewhere) or 
consuming data in a variety of ways, based purely on the usage pattern 

Let's assume that you did implement this capability and whenever your 
publishing application writes to the database, a message gets sent to an 
exchange on a rabbit broker somewhere, which the other application is 
consuming via some queue. What happens if the machine or data centre the 
broker is running on crashes? What happens if the broker becomes 
overloaded and starts to assert tcp back-pressure on the publisher - 
which, remember, is running inside a database!? What happens if the 
database server has to be restarted? And each of these 'what happens' 
questions must be answered from the perspective of

1. the code running inside the database server
2. the application writing to the database
3. the application listening to the queue(s)
4. the RabbitMQ broker itself

That is an *awful* lot of moving parts, one of which is critical to your 
infrastructure (i.e., the database server) and largely not under you 
control (in so much as the semantics for running user defined code 
inside the database server and the error handling behaviour of such, are 
likely to be highly constrained). Even in an environment where you're 
running your user defined function in an external operating system 
process (e.g., Oracle UDFs written in java) the failure modes are 
terrifying. Even in an environment which gives you a very clear picture 
of the constrained runtime in which you're operating (e.g., custom .NET 
code running inside MS SQL Server as a UDF or stored procedure) there 
are questions about how stable and safe this approach is. And even in 
those environments, where stability and safety *can* be understood and 
controlled to some extent, there is still the question of semantics. If 
the publication fails, what does the application writing to the database 
see? Does the insert/update fail? Doing so would require making a 
synchronous call in the trigger/callback, which would block the database 
server and create contention for the table! Failing to make the call 
synchronous would lead to silent failures however! There are no happy 
endings here, I can assure you.

Now that I hope I've put you off this idea, here's how you can do it if 
you disagree. Write a user defined function in C (consulting 
http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/adding-udf.html or whatever 
resources you have available to assist in this) and in your user defined 
function, use the RabbitMQ native/C client (librabbitmq) to talk to 
rabbit. The details of doing all of this are left as an exercise to the 
daring. Do bare in mind that MySQL UDFs *must* be thread safe, that 
librabbitmq has no explicit support for threading whatsoever and that 
blocking in a udf is probably the first step on the road to bedlam.

> Cheers,
> Shadowalker.
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