[rabbitmq-discuss] Use a mysql databse table as the provider for rabbitmq queue

Shadowalker ryan.rajkomar at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 09:58:19 BST 2012


I've just stumbled upon rabbitmq and I think it could very well help in a 
project that I'm currently working on. But there's one thing that I'd like 
to get some input about though :

My project consist of one, two or more applications that, though separated, 
need to keep some of their datas synchronized.

For example say I have two use cases that could happen at the same time :

First project has a app A and a app B : when app A insert some specific 
data in its db i need to get a meesage to appB to do the corresponding 
action on its own db
Second project has only app A and when I insert stuff in A's db it 
shouldn't send anything anywhere.

In both cases, I'll like to have app A and app B identical : I don't want 
to have to change app A's code jsut because app B is here.

So my question is : Is there anyway to plug the raabitmq consumer directly 
onto a specific table in app A's database so that every time  something 
happens appB can come and consume the data.

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