[rabbitmq-discuss] Proper protocol for dealing with crash dumps?

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Mon Oct 8 22:06:48 BST 2012


On 08/10/12 21:27, Alex Zepeda wrote:
> Is there some high water mark for message size?

Nope. Preventing out-of-memory errors due to ingestion of enormous 
messages is on our to do list.

>> Have you got heartbeats enabled? If not then turn them on.
> Yes.
>> Do the shovel connections show up at the destination?
> Yes, with a five second timeout.

So, just to be clear, you have connections that are "stuck" but do show 
up at the destination with a non-zero heartbeat/timeout? That's odd.

> The shovel config looks like so:
> 		{shovel_one
>                      [ {sources,
>                          [ {broker, "amqp://"} ]}
>                      , {destinations,
>                          [ {broker, "amqp://user:password@remote.hostname?heartbeat=5"} ]}
>                      , {queue, <<"queue_name">>}
>                      , {ack_mode, on_confirm}
>                      , {publish_properties, [ {delivery_mode, 2} ]}
>                      , {reconnect_delay, 35}
>                      ]}
>                  ]}
>      ]}

You can't got a prefetch_count set. This will cause all messages to pile 
up in memory in the event of a connection getting stuck.



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