[rabbitmq-discuss] Finding out only unacked messages

Emile Joubert emile at rabbitmq.com
Fri Oct 5 10:06:13 BST 2012

Hi Michał,

On 04/10/12 15:50, Michał Michalak wrote:
> Now consider situation when producer service puts a message in queue,
> then consumer service takes message and dies during work. Since there
> was no ack, message stays in queue.

If a consumer dies then all unacknowledged messages are requeued.
Another consumer can then consume such messages which will have the
redelivered flag set.

> The best solution would be to filter out 

It is not possible to ask the broker to only deliver some kinds of
messages when consuming from a queue. Messages will be delivered in the
order that they appear in the queue.


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