[rabbitmq-discuss] Send same message to ALL workers at once?

Matthew Young mabufo at gmail.com
Sat Nov 17 22:32:30 GMT 2012

Hello all, I am reading through the rabbitMQ tutorial, and I've reached the 
"Round Robin Dispatching" section in the 2nd tutorial. I was able to create 
multiple "workers" and any messages added to the queue they were both 
looking at would be spread out between them. I was wondering if there was a 
way to force a message to be sent to all workers reading from a particular 
queue? It appears that  the message is "removed" from the queue once a 
worker gets it, but I'd like all workers looking at a queue to read the 
message. I was also considering, as perhaps a better way of achieving the 
above,  having each worker listen to a unique queue so I could tell each 
worker what to do specifically - is this a common rabbitMQ idiom? 

Thank you. 
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