[rabbitmq-discuss] Creating an auth plugin (Kerberos)

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Tue Nov 13 13:11:48 GMT 2012

On 13/11/12 12:51, Simon Lundström wrote:
> On Tue, 2012-11-13 at 10:38:39 +0000, Emile Joubert wrote:
>>> 1.2, If I use `-behaviour(rabbit_auth_backend).` I must implement
>>> check_vhost_access and check_resource_access. What is the appropriate
>>> way to handle this?
>> The simplest implementation simply returns 'true' without performing
>> any checks. I suggest you use that during development, which it
>> seems you are.
> I see.
> But if one has multiple auth plugins in RabbitMQ which one prevails?
> Let's say my rabbitmq.config is:
> {auth_backends, [rabbit_auth_backend_internal, rabbit_auth_backend_kerberos, rabbitmq_auth_imaginary]},
> If a backend returns false I understand that it goes to the next backend.
> What if a backend returns true? Does it go on to the next backend?
> What if all backends except the last return true?

For authentication the backends are tried in order. The first to return 
a #user{} wins. If none returns a #user{} the login is rejected.

For authorisation, we go back to the module in the user's auth_backend 

> What we want it only to provide authN with rabbit_auth_backend_kerberos
> and thus implement check_vhost_access and check_resource_access to only
> return true(?).
> Then we want rabbitmq_auth_imaginary to implement check_vhost_access and
> check_resource_access to do real checks and for check_user_login only
> return false(?).

That could work if rabbit_auth_backend_kerberos sets user.auth_backend = 

> Would this work or?
> Is it possible to use authZ from rabbit_auth_backend_internal? I.e. can
> I set up permissions and roles for "fake" users (which isn't
> `rabbitmqctl add_user`:ed)?

No, the users have to exist.

> Or I mean, I know I can't (because I get an
> "Error: no_such_user:" error) but would it be possible to do that some
> how (like by adding an entry in the correct place in Mnesia)?

If you are going to create permissions for each user in Mnesia, why not 
create the user as well? You can create a user without a password.

So I guess that's what you want - create users without passwords in the 
internal DB, and have rabbit_auth_backend_kerberos create a #user{} at 
login with auth_backend = rabbit_auth_backend_internal.

>>> heh, and RabbitMQ starts and "accepts" the connection but some how it fails
>>> anyway.
>> You have not provided the error message, and the code looks like it
>> should work. Try to run individual parts of your solution in
>> isolation and make sure they work correctly before composing them.
> That is because I couldn't find one. But Simon pointed out that it was
> in the SASL log (which I had looked in when I had a previous issue and
> then nothing was there, but not this time of course... = ).
> My AMQP client just said "AMQP broker closed TCP connection before
> authentication succeeded: this usually means authentication failure due
> to misconfiguration.".

Yeah, we're not going to give out any information over the network in 
this case - big security concern :-)

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, VMware

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