[rabbitmq-discuss] Creating an auth plugin (Kerberos)

Emile Joubert emile at rabbitmq.com
Tue Nov 13 10:38:39 GMT 2012

Hi Simon,

On 12/11/12 11:44, Simon Lundström wrote:
> 1, Since Kerberos is an authentication protocol, not authorization, how
> can I implement my plugin just to do authN?

An implementation of the rabbit_auth_backend behaviour must provide 
functions for all callbacks defined for that behaviour, including those 
that pertain to authorisation.

> 1.2, If I use `-behaviour(rabbit_auth_backend).` I must implement
> check_vhost_access and check_resource_access. What is the appropriate
> way to handle this?

The simplest implementation simply returns 'true' without performing any 
checks. I suggest you use that during development, which it seems you are.

> heh, and RabbitMQ starts and "accepts" the connection but some how it fails
> anyway.

You have not provided the error message, and the code looks like it 
should work. Try to run individual parts of your solution in isolation 
and make sure they work correctly before composing them.


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