[rabbitmq-discuss] "rabbitmqctl cluster_status" output - quoted or not quoted?

Jerry Bao hijerrybao at gmail.com
Wed Nov 7 22:08:06 GMT 2012

Why do some "rabbitmqctl cluster_status" outputs have single quote around
the nodes, others do not?

For example,
*[root at jbao-vm1 ~]# rabbitmqctl cluster_status*
*Cluster status of node 'rabbit at jbao-vm1' ...*
*[{nodes,[{disc,['rabbit at jbao-vm2','rabbit at jbao-vm1']}]},*
* {running_nodes,['rabbit at jbao-vm2',*
*                 'rabbit at jbao-vm1']}]*
On another cluster, I have somthing like this:

rabbit1$ *rabbitmqctl cluster_status*
Cluster status of node rabbit at rabbit1 ...
[{nodes,[{disc,[rabbit at rabbit1,rabbit at rabbit2]},{ram,[rabbit at rabbit3]}]},
 {running_nodes,[rabbit at rabbit2,rabbit at rabbit1]}]

They are same version of RabbitMQ/Erlang/OTP, all on the same CentOS 5.7

I am trying to write a script to parse it so I can monitor the status of
the cluster. I have been working with RabbitMQ for a while but am
relatively new to Erlang. Does anybody know why? Is this a Erlang or OS
locale issue?

I know I can write my parser to handle both cases but just want to know
what is causing that.


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