[rabbitmq-discuss] Memory leak with file_io_server,server_loop?

Travis hcoyote at ghostar.org
Mon Nov 5 23:38:52 GMT 2012

Not sure if we've found another memory leak or not.  We're running
2.8.6 and experiencing periods where we're triggering the
vm_memory_highwater_mark.  I've had to restart rabbitmq twice today
because of this.

I've attempted to force a gc, but it doesn't seem to affect the memory
usage appreciably.


[tcampbell at host ~]$ sudo  rabbitmqctl eval
'lists:sublist(lists:reverse(lists:sort([{process_info(Pid, memory),
Pid, process_info(Pid)} || Pid <- processes()])), 1).'
[sudo] password for tcampbell:
[tcampbell at host ~]$ sudo service rabbitmq-server restart
Restarting rabbitmq-server: SUCCESS
[tcampbell at host ~]$ sudo  rabbitmqctl eval
'lists:sublist(lists:reverse(lists:sort([{process_info(Pid, memory),
Pid, process_info(Pid)} || Pid <- processes()])), 1).'

Travis Campbell
travis at ghostar.org

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