[rabbitmq-discuss] Issues on RHEL 6.2 with RabbitMQ 2.8.2

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Fri May 18 21:45:58 BST 2012


On 18/05/12 21:11, Bryan Seitz wrote:
> [root at nzop-rmq-053001 ~]# /usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl status
> Status of node 'rabbit at nzop-rmq-053001' ...
> Error: unable to connect to node 'rabbit at nzop-rmq-053001': nodedown
> diagnostics:
> - nodes and their ports on nzop-rmq-053001: [{rabbitmqctl3639,46208}]
> - current node: 'rabbitmqctl3639 at nzop-rmq-053001'
> - current node home dir: /var/lib/rabbitmq
> - current node cookie hash: F3EZ0NiUJjry2mnh7p79EA==
> [root at nzop-rmq-053001 ~]# echo $?
> 0

Right. So it looks like the wrapper script is swallowing the exit code. 
AFAICT the wrapper code hasn't changed for ages, so I am perplexed why 
this problem hasn't surfaced before. I have filed a bug.


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