[rabbitmq-discuss] Federation Fanout

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Mon May 14 20:45:19 BST 2012

On 14/05/2012 5:19PM, Timya Tortus wrote:
> Why are all the messages not being received by both rabbit1 and rabbit2.

Hi Timya. You are setting a local_nodename of "localhost" on both 
rabbit1 and rabbit2 - this is causing them both to identify themselves 
as the same node to hare; they then end up sharing the same upstream 
queue and thus only getting one set of messages between them.

You should either set local_nodename to something distinct on each 
downstream, or don't set it at all, and Rabbit will construct something 
from the machine's FQDN.

Cheers, Simon

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