[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ 2.8.1 reorders messages?

Matti Linnanvuori matti.linnanvuori at portalify.com
Tue May 8 12:04:12 BST 2012


I noticed that a Net::RabbitMQ Perl client gets a message with a later timestamp before another message with an earlier timestamp. The timestamp was created by a client and it was included in the message payload. The client that publishes the messages publishes them in a direct, non-passive, durable, non-auto-delete exchange. The client that received the messages receives them from a queue that is non-passive, durable, non-exclusive, non-auto-delete, bound to the exchange and consumes from that queue.

Message ordering guarantees exist, so that behaviour surprises me:

regards, Matti Linnanvuori

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