[rabbitmq-discuss] Per-Connection Flow Control - RMQ 2.8.1

DawgTool dawgtool at aol.com
Fri Mar 23 20:03:14 GMT 2012

Hi All,

Wondering is anyone having issues with the Per-Connection Flow Control 
in 2.8.1?
Under 2.7.1 was able to push about 4.5MB/s per connection (about 
Under 2.8.1 I am hitting the flow control constantly at about 2.4MB/s 
per connection.
Clean installed 2.8.1 on the same hardware as 2.7.1.

Is there someway to configure/monitor what is causing the Flow Control 
to be tripped?

Thanks in Advance.

Config: (both 2.7.1/2.8.1)
Erlang R15B (erts-5.9) [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:30] 
[hipe] [kernel-poll:true]

==> enabled_plugins <==

==> rabbitmq.config <==
   {rabbit,                    [{vm_memory_high_watermark, 0.6},
                                {collect_statistics_interval, 5000},
                                {hipe_compile, true}
   {mnesia,                    [{dc_dump_limit, 40},
                                {dump_log_write_threshold, 50000},
                                {no_table_loaders, 20},
                                {send_compressed, 9},
                                {snmp, true}
   {rabbitmq_management,       [ {http_log_dir, 
"/data/rabbitmq/dc001/rabbit-mgmt"} ] },
   {rabbitmq_management_agent, [ {force_fine_statistics, true} ] }

==> rabbitmq-env.conf <==
SERVER_START_ARGS="+K true -smp enable"

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