[rabbitmq-discuss] Federated exchange slowdown
Busoli, Simone
Simone.Busoli at ferrari.com
Mon Mar 19 14:00:01 GMT 2012
Hi Simon, I think I've mostly tracked down the issue to the symmetric setup of the federated exchanges between the two brokers. I noticed that whenever I start publishing messages to an exchange configured that way the network starts behaving in surprisingly ways. For instance, I can no longer get two machines connected directly by two network switches to ping each other. Stop publishing messages and everything goes back to a normal state. A federated exchange which goes in one direction only as well as a shovel instead behave just fine.
-----Original Message-----
From: rabbitmq-discuss-bounces at lists.rabbitmq.com [mailto:rabbitmq-discuss-bounces at lists.rabbitmq.com] On Behalf Of Busoli, Simone
Sent: lunedì 19 marzo 2012 13:04
To: Simon MacMullen
Cc: rabbitmq-discuss at lists.rabbitmq.com
Subject: Re: [rabbitmq-discuss] Federated exchange slowdown
Hi Simon, I can't imagine why as well. The network connection is not that fast but it's a bunch of MBits, way more than is required to transfer those messages around.
The federation queue is indeed showing 100 unacked messages, with way more ready to be delivered. The downstream broker nonetheless doesn't give us any clue about that might be happening, although as I said the bidirectional federated exchange on B2 behaved way worse than B1 and the outgoing federation queue showed lots more ready messages then there were in B1.
-----Original Message-----
From: rabbitmq-discuss-bounces at lists.rabbitmq.com [mailto:rabbitmq-discuss-bounces at lists.rabbitmq.com] On Behalf Of Simon MacMullen
Sent: lunedì 19 marzo 2012 12:26
To: Simone Busoli
Cc: rabbitmq-discuss at lists.rabbitmq.com
Subject: Re: [rabbitmq-discuss] Federated exchange slowdown
Hmm. Well, this *should* be very simple - the federation plugin is a bit tricky in terms of how it gets everything set up, but once the link is up it really just consumes and republishes the messages.
Assuming you have an even slightly fast network link I can't imagine why either federation queue would end up with messages backing up.
So assuming you are not network bound we could start by figuring out what is stopping the messages getting delivered immediately. If the prefetch count is 100, does that mean the queue is showing 100 messages unacked (i.e. the delay is happening because the federated exchange is not consuming fast enough), or fewer (i.e. the broker is just not delivering the messages for some reason)?
Cheers, Simon
On 18/03/12 11:42, Simone Busoli wrote:
> Following up on this issue, the problem has worsened to a great extent.
> Here's a bit more information about the setup.
> Two brokers B1 and B2, running version 2.7.1 and Erlang R14B04 on
> Windows, about 15000 km away from each other. Both machines running
> the brokers are physical machines with several cores, lots of RAM,
> fast disks, and reported no problems in disk access, CPU or memory consumption.
> We have two federated durable topic exchanges X1 and X2, the upstream
> connection to the other broker is configured with an hearbeat of a few
> seconds and the prefetch count is 100. X1 is bidirectionally federated
> with max_hops = 1 to prevent messages from going in loops (which
> nonetheless suffer the additional roundtrip before being discarded, a
> problem I reported a while ago), X2 unidirectionally federated from B1
> to B2. Messages are all published on B1, all those published on X1 are
> persistent, while those published on X2 aren't. Messages are published
> on X1 with an average rate of 3 msg/sec, and on X2 with an average
> rate of 10 msg/sec.
> What we experienced is that messages published on X1 queue up on the
> outgoing queue on B1, and even worse on the outgoing queue on B2
> (although we don't care about them as the would be discarded once
> delivered thanks to the max_hops setting). Looking at the Web UI it
> appears that the acknowledges for those messages come in more slowly
> than messages are published, but I really can't understand why this
> might be the case, given the very low publish rate. The visible effect
> is a delay of even several minutes between when a message is published
> on B1 and received on B2, but again, only for the low-rate messages
> published on X1 (perhaps even worse for the other direction if the
> messages were not thrown away by the federation because of the
> max_hops setting, as the outgoing queue on B2 has several thousands of
> messages versus the few hundreds of that on B1). In other words, the
> only difference between the two federated exchanges appears to be the
> bidirectionality of the first versus the unidirectionality of the
> second and the fact that those published on the first are persistent.
> The logs of the two brokers contain apparently no relevant
> information, and the network link between the two has always appeared
> to be in a good state.
Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, VMware
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