[rabbitmq-discuss] Federation binding to a queue

Steve Powell steve at rabbitmq.com
Wed Mar 14 15:48:12 GMT 2012

On 12 Mar 2012, at 16:39, Timya Tortus wrote:
> Also in the 2.7.9 release note it is stated as;
> federation plugin:
> enhancements
> - allow the queue declared upstream to be mirrored
> ? How to declare the queue on ServerRabbit and ClientRabbit, using the rabbitmq.config present on the ClientRabbit. 

This note in the 2.7.9 pre-release notes refers to the 'upstream queue'
which the federation plugin creates in order to copy messages from the
upstream exchange to the federated exchange. In the next release there
is a property in the connection configuration (in {rabbitmq_federation,
...}) to define the ha_policy for the upstream queue.

Any application queues you may declare can be configured in any way your
application desires, of course. They is no way to configure the creation
of application queues AFAIK.

Incidentally, I notice your pasted configuration says
{rabbit_federation, ...} instead of {rabbitmq_federation, ...}. I assume
this is a typo.

Hope this helps.

Steve Powell  (a hopey bunny)
----------some more definitions from the SPD----------
vermin (v.) Treating the dachshund for roundworm.
chinchilla (n.) Cooling device for the lower jaw.
socialcast (n.) Someone to whom everyone is speaking but nobody likes.

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