[rabbitmq-discuss] Throttling when Fast Producer, Slow Consumer

Emile Joubert emile at rabbitmq.com
Wed Mar 14 13:18:49 GMT 2012

Hi Paul,

On 14/03/12 12:59, Bell, Paul M. wrote:
> Also, is "x-message-ttl" accessible
> by means of Spring AMQP?

Yes, these are simply queue arguments. Spring AMQP allows you to declare
queues with arguments.

> On a related matter, please consider the case where the consumers
> simply aren't there (i.e., it's not that they're slow, they're simply
> NOT). Yet the long-running producers continue to publish to the
> exchange. Assume that we're dealing with a non-durable topic
> exchange. Am I right in thinking that, absent any bindings, the
> broker will simply discard incoming messages?

Yes, by default such messages will be discarded.

You can have such messages sent to an alternative exchange by using the
"alternative exchange" extension:

Also see the "mandatory" publish argument:
Publishers can have messages returned if they could not be routed.


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