[rabbitmq-discuss] Experimenting with release candidates: RabbitMQ 2.7.9

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Thu Mar 8 17:55:07 GMT 2012

Hi all.

We'll be making a 2.8.0 release of RabbitMQ soon (hopefully early next 
week), but I'd like to experiment with making preview or RC releases. So 
here's one.

The version is marked as 2.7.9 just because there are all sorts of 
restrictions on how we can number things (e.g. IIRC 2.8.0rc1 or whatever 
I think would stop the Windows installer from working). But think of it 
as a release candidate.

The intent is that this will be really quite close to the final release 
- this isn't so much a beta as a search for last minute showstoppers. If 
there aren't any such showstoppers then this may be identical to the 
2.8.0 release. But I wouldn't put it into production myself. You might 
be braver ;-)

You can download artefacts at:


I've attached release notes in the usual format.

Please, have a play with this and let us know if anything goes wrong for 

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, VMware
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