[rabbitmq-discuss] Persistence in RabbitMQ and AMQP.

Steve Powell steve at rabbitmq.com
Thu Mar 1 15:05:12 GMT 2012

Hello Ashutosh,

The simple answer to your question is that queues can be 'durable' and
individual messages can be 'persistent'.

Durable queues (and persistent messages written to durable queues) survive
server crashes (or shutdowns).

There are many subtleties here, and these notions interact with other messaging
mechanisms. For example, unless something like 'Publisher Confirms' is used, it
is not clear when a (persistent) message has been correctly received by the
broker, and therefore should survive a server crash. So I recommend you read
about Publisher Confirms, and immediate and mandatory flags on messages.

For the AMQP details (including RabbitMQ extensions) see the protocol
documentation, on <http://www.rabbitmq.com/protocol.html>.

For the RabbitMQ client details, and some idea of how this works, I recommend
working through the RabbitMQ Tutorials (in either Java or Python) in particular
Tutorial 2 on Work Queues.

Steve Powell  (a happy bunny)
----------some more definitions from the SPD----------
vermin (v.) Treating the dachshund for roundworm.
chinchilla (n.) Cooling device for the lower jaw.
socialcast (n.) Someone to whom everyone is speaking but nobody likes.

On 1 Mar 2012, at 11:55, Ashutosh Mathur wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to know how does or in what ways does RabbitMQ/AMQP support Persistence(of messages,queues,etc). Please do provide a detailed answer or links which may provide further information on this.
> Thanks in advance.
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