[rabbitmq-discuss] Ending a computation when the queue runs out of items

Ask Solem ask at rabbitmq.com
Tue Jun 26 13:17:03 BST 2012

On 26 Jun 2012, at 11:35, Simon MacMullen wrote:

> On 25/06/12 12:27, Rafael Calsaverini wrote:
>> I want the process to stop when I run out of items
> I assume you mean "when the queue becomes empty" - obviously there's nothing to stop a publisher publishing more work even after a queue has been drained.
> There's no way to get immediately notified that a queue is empty as a client. The best you can do is have your consumer keep redeclaring the queue occasionally, and looking at the queue.declare-ok to see how many messages the queue claims to have.

This isn't necessarily true, it depends on what he means by 'when it runs out of items',
e.g. the following is sometimes used in Kombu:

import socket
from kombu import Connection, Consumer, Exchange, Queue, eventloop

queue = Queue('q', exchange=Exchange('q'), routing_key='q')

def on_message(body, message):

def drain_queue(queue, callback):
    with Connection('amqp://guest:guest@localhost://") as connection:
        with Consumer(connection, [queue], callbacks=[callback]):
                eventloop(limit=None, timeout=1)
             except socket.timeout:
                return  # no more messages

The important part in the example to keep draining events from the connection
until it raises a timeout.  It will wait for 1 second in this example,
and there are cases where the socket recv times out *even if there
are more messages*, but it works well enough for applications where
this is not important.

(You can also set the timeout to 0.0, but that increases the chance of a false
positive, and you have to catch EAGAIN or EINTR as well).

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