[rabbitmq-discuss] Messages received as "None" on server-side

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Sat Jun 23 08:16:02 BST 2012


On 21/06/12 23:00, devinb at vmware.com wrote:
> I am using txAMQP and rabbitMQ for RPC calls. However, I'm having a
> problem with this currently where the client side sends the following
> message twice:
> <Content instance: body='hi', children=[], properties={'correlation id':
> 'f1237252-4e5f-40f5-a0fc-b7151d063652', 'reply to':
> 'amq.gen-QInOd8SxMovrJa8PODvt43'}>
> and then the server side receives hundreds of messages at that point all
> just "None". I can use this script with just a single client and server
> at a time and it works fine so I'm not sure what's wrong with it...

It is highly unlikely that this is a server misbehaviour; more likely 
it's a problem with the application code or client library.

I suggest you deploy one of Rabbit's tracing facilities - 
http://www.rabbitmq.com/api-guide.html#tracer, or 
http://www.rabbitmq.com/firehose.html (and 
- this plugin ships with the server these days, so you just need to 
enable it)  - to get an idea of the client/server interactions taking place.



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