[rabbitmq-discuss] librabbitmq-c and amqp_channel_close

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Fri Jun 22 18:04:56 BST 2012


On 22/06/12 17:19, Brennan Sellner wrote:
> I don't suppose there's an equivalent async method?

You could just not wait for the close-ok :) That would be quite hard in 
most AMQP client libraries, but perhaps it's possible in librabbitmq.

Also, if you are intending to close the connection too, then *just* do 
that, rather than closing all the channels first. It's semantically 

And in that case, if you really don't care about the various guarantees 
provided by the handshake, you could simply close the socket instead, 
i.e. don't bother with any of the closing handshake. That is not really 
recommended though.

> Failing that, any thoughts on what can be done server-side to speed up
> the process? Do durable queues/exchanges exacerbate the problem?



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