[rabbitmq-discuss] unable to cluster rabbitmq on ec2

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Fri Jul 20 14:04:22 BST 2012

On 20/07/12 11:48, avinash0601 wrote:
> the cookie hash(5jktLfwA+Tbs8ASMtK9mHg==) is same over all 3 nodes.

check that you can connect from each node to the other nodes' erlang 
distribution port. e.g. previously you showed us the following...

> root at rabbit1:~# rabbitmqctl -n rabbit at rabbit2 status
> Status of node rabbit at rabbit2 ...
> Error: unable to connect to node rabbit at rabbit2: nodedown
> ===========
> nodes in question: [rabbit at rabbit2]
> hosts, their running nodes and ports:
> - rabbit2: [{rabbit,53717}]
> current node details:
> - node name: rabbitmqctl5759 at rabbit1
> - home dir: /var/lib/rabbitmq
> - cookie hash: 5jktLfwA+Tbs8ASMtK9mHg==

The "hosts, their running nodes and ports" section tells you that erlang 
is listening on port 53717 on rabbit2, so try to connecting to that port 
from rabbit1.


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