[rabbitmq-discuss] Declaring an exchange without a plugin or client

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Thu Jul 19 17:19:02 BST 2012

On 19/07/12 17:08, Al Al wrote:
> I have a use-case where I need to declare Exchanges on RabbitMQ after it
> is first installed, configured, and started. The properties of the
> Exchanges (name, type, durable, etc) are located in a file (or files).
> This has to be automated and installing the Management Plugin or any
> other plugin is not an option (not yet).
> Is it possible to do this without a client (Java, Erlang, etc)?

The way to do this *is* to enable the management plug-in (no need to 
"install" it since all recent versions of rabbit come with the plug-ins 
included) and use http://www.rabbitmq.com/management.html#load-definitions.


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