[rabbitmq-discuss] So who's Judy and what does she have to do with the High Speed TCP driver for Erlang?

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Tue Jul 17 14:22:30 BST 2012

On 17/07/12 11:46, Zabrane Mickael wrote:
> HSTCP was designed for what?

At one point we believed that the standard Erlang TCP implementation was 
not fast enough. hstcp was an attempt to get TCP to go faster.

However, recent improvements to our use of the standard Erlang TCP 
implementation have improved Rabbit's performance to the point where 
hstcp doesn't gain anything, so we're abandoning hstcp.

> Could someone explain its purpose and how one can build it outside RabbitMQ?

It requires the public umbrella - you can build it like any other 
plugin. But I wouldn't bother.

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, VMware

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