[rabbitmq-discuss] Ruby-AMQP with Federation doesn't work?

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Mon Jul 2 21:29:03 BST 2012

On 02/07/12 21:19, Roman Gaufman wrote:
> only error now is if the message rate is higher than around 1
> message/sec,  I get:
> E, [2012-07-02T21:06:54.126367 #4399] ERROR -- : [amqp] Detected missing
> server heartbeats
> A workaround is explicitly setting the
> heartbeat: AMQP.start('amqp://guest:guest@localhost:25672', :heartbeat => 0)

I wonder whether that's a bug in ruby-amqp; heartbeats only need to be 
sent in the absence of other traffic, but perhaps ruby-amqp expects to 
receive them regardless?

I am also surprised that 0 (i.e. no heartbeats) isn't the default.



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