[rabbitmq-discuss] queue discovery

Jerry Kuch jerryk at vmware.com
Tue Jan 31 05:49:49 GMT 2012

Hi, Steven

Asserting the queue existence probably may not be heavyweight enough for you
to worry about.  That said, you could consider setting the 'mandatory' flag
when you publish, in which case you'll get an asynchronous notification if the
message cannot be routed to any queue (e.g. if no queues are bound to the 
exchange you published too, or your routing key didn't match one that was, etc.)

Best regards, 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steven Taylor" <taylste at gmail.com>
To: rabbitmq-discuss at lists.rabbitmq.com
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 9:21:46 PM
Subject: [rabbitmq-discuss] queue discovery


chicken and egg situation here. 

Sender expects that receiver will have created a queue, only, the sender is in this case the first to exist, and so sends a message to a non-existant queue. 

Result: rabbit throws away the message. Is the only way forward to always assert queue existance, or is there a lighter weight alternative? i.e. it'd be nice to get a status or exception back stating if the message got routed or not. 

Same situation could occur if queue is defined with non durable and autodelete. i.e. rabbit goes down and then comes back up. 

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