[rabbitmq-discuss] Rabbitmq-C and SSL

Steve Powell steve at rabbitmq.com
Thu Jan 19 17:20:03 GMT 2012

Avinash Kaul asks, on rabbitmq-info:

> Are there any efforts currently around adding SSL support to "rabbitmq-c"? We are planning to use that for our Linux SVMs, and since we absolutely need SSL, we are looking to use "Stunnel" as an SSL wrapper. However native SSL support would be highly desirable.

Is anyone out there working on rabbitmq-c and is there SSL? (*)

Steve Powell  (a query bunny)
----------some more definitions from the SPD----------
vermin (v.) Treating the dachshund for roundworm.
chinchilla (n.) Cooling device for the lower jaw.
socialcast (n.) Someone to whom everyone is speaking but nobody likes.

(*) Stands the code rabbitmq-c?
And is there SSL for tea?
(Apologies to Rupert Brooke.)
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