[rabbitmq-discuss] questions about rabbitmq

Steve Powell steve at rabbitmq.com
Mon Feb 13 16:27:46 GMT 2012

Hi Jeff,

Apparently, everyone is non-plussed by your questions; I'll attempt to answer
one of them.

> 1. I've read that basic_consume is the most efficient way to receive messages
> from rabbitmq.
Correct -- there are two basic ways to get messages from a RabbitMQ queue, PULL
and PUSH.

To PULL you (the client application) issue a basicGet() call against a queue,
and if there is a message waiting you get it. This is inefficient, because it
requires a round trip to the server (protocol messages flowing both ways), and
the application needs to poll the queue in some way if it wants to respond to
messages in a timely manner -- so there is an overhead in two ways.

PUSH access is where you, just once, register a Consumer class (or similar set
of callbacks) with RabbitMQ, nominating a particular queue. Thereafter, whenever
a message appears on the queue, RabbitMQ will deliver it to you (by calling a
callback method you registered) without you having to ask for it. No polling is
required by the client application, and no round trip to the server is needed.
This is highly efficient.

Furthermore, the Consumer has more than just message delivery callbacks -- the
server can notify your application about other changes -- for example if the
queue is deleted, or if the channel to which the Consumer is attached closes for
some reason. In the PULL case, the application would have to seek that
information at some point -- making the polling more costly (and more
interesting to implement).

>                Is it possible for one consumer (my websock/lp server) to
> register to multiple queues(conceivably several thousand) and have messages
> continually sent to it?
Certainly it is. When registering a Consumer you (either nominate, or) get a
(server-generated) consumer *tag*, essentially an identifier for the Consumer.
You only have to keep a map of tags so that the Consumer can known (when it is
called) for which registration this callback is being made.

If you have a single channel connection to RabbitMQ, then the Consumers (each
registration looks like a Consumer to the server) get called serially, so there
is no concurrency. If you have many channels you can register for different
queues on different channels and the distinct channels' callbacks can run

This is easiest for me to describe in the Java Client. I recommend you start by
looking at the Java tutorials (http://www.rabbitmq.com/getstarted.html) and then
go on to read the Java API Guide, especially the part about Consumers and the
threading model.

It ought to be fairly inexpensive to to basicConsume() on multiple queues, with
the number of channels determining what sort of concurrency you want to have.

Steve Powell  (a starter bunny)
----------some more definitions from the SPD----------
vermin (v.) Treating the dachshund for roundworm.
chinchilla (n.) Cooling device for the lower jaw.
socialcast (n.) Someone to whom everyone is speaking but nobody likes.

On 3 Feb 2012, at 17:11, Jeff C wrote:
> Hello all,
> I recently began reading up on rabbitmq and the amqp paradigm, via rabbitmq's
> site documentation and miscellaneous tutorials around the web, as I plan to use
> rabbit as the core for a real-time forum component that will be part of a site I
> am working on, where new posts will be forwarded out to client machines from a
> long-polling/websocket server sitting between the users and rabbitmq.(I'm new to
> message passing systems) I've been reading some posts and even a talk from
> Alexis Richardson, and I decided to join the mailing list to ask some specific
> questions; I have three:
> ...

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