[rabbitmq-discuss] access for writing to exchange

Ruby Cut ruby.cutter at gmail.com
Mon Feb 13 14:02:18 GMT 2012


Wouldn't it be enough to have only write permission to write to exchange,
provided I do passive mode,

Here is example ruby script I expected to work but it doesn't.

prep with
gem install bunny
gem install rspec

run with

rspec test.rb

require 'bunny'
system "sudo rabbitmqctl add_vhost /x"
system "sudo rabbitmqctl add_user writer 123"
# with this it works
# system "sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /x writer '.*' '.*'  'foo'"
# with this it doesn't
system "sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /x writer 'foo' '.*'  'foo'"
system "sudo rabbitmqctl add_user admin 321"
system "sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /x admin '.*' '.*'  '.*'"

describe "wonderful bunny permission tests" do
  it "should only push" do

    @admin = Bunny.new(:host => 'localhost',:vhost=> "/x", :port =>
5672,:user=>"admin",:pass=> "321" )

    # create/get queue
    q = @admin.queue('myqueue')

    # create/get exchange
    exchange = @admin.exchange("myexchange",:type => :topic,:durable =>

    # bind queue to exchange
    q.bind(exchange,:key => "#")

    @writer =  Bunny.new(:host => 'localhost',:vhost=> "/x", :port =>
5672,:user=>"writer",:pass=> "123",:logging=>true )
    e = @writer.exchange("myexchange", :passive => true)
    e.publish "yo"

    q.pop[:payload].should == "yo"


And reply is:
I, [2012-02-13 14:50:54#16707]  INFO -- send:
@auto_delete=nil, @durable=nil, @passive=true, @nowait=nil, @type=:direct,
@exchange="myexchange", @arguments=nil, @internal=nil, @ticket=1>,
I, [2012-02-13 14:50:54#16707]  INFO -- received:
@payload=#<Qrack::Protocol::Channel::Close:0x7fd6f3ceb400 @method_id=10,
@class_id=40, @reply_text="ACCESS_REFUSED - access to exchange 'myexchange'
in vhost '/x' refused for user 'writer'", @reply_code=403>, @channel=1>

Why do I still need config permission, although I opened exchange with
passive option.

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